Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Data Visualization

Visualized info from database on the network can be artwork.
Often created by a combination of
Flash + PHP + MySQL

interactive architecture
information aesthetics

An interesting project using Data Visualization....

Life Support Systems - Vanda (2004) by Mateusz Herczka

Life Support Systems - Vanda is an attempt to analyze electrical signals
from the vanda hybrida orchid, and apply language modeling techniques
to these signals in a computer. The result is a virtual model, which
continues to generate similar signals long after the original orchids are
gone - a kind of computerized longevity. Vandas language and behaviour
model is stored in a hacked Microsoft Xbox, its future container. It can be
accessed at any time, should one want to experience the essence of Vanda
again. The work is installed as a kind of laboratorium with life support
facilities for the orchids, a computer visualization of the language model,
the Xbox, and the generated signals presented as sound. Besides turning a
scientific experiment into an aesthetic construct, the work
tangents questions of consciousness, longevity, and new lifeforms through

(Visualcomplexity) http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/project_details.cfm?id=40&index=1&domain=Art

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