Sunday, January 27, 2008

MADT315: Assignment #2-MSP

Here's my looplayer w/ oscillators & recording function


Play sample sound file created w/ this patch

Sunday, January 20, 2008

MADT315: Assignment #1-MAX

This is my first patch uploaded....!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Portfolio 1

Imagina (2007) Interactive installation.
This allows you to interact with your reflection as Narcissus once tried reaching his own.

Attention (2006) Installation
An endless denial between an individual and public. A sound activated switch that captures sounds and frequency level of the sound from radio turns off TV, and light activated switch located in front of TV screen also turns off the radio. The visual and the sound cannot coexist in peace.

Cat Tour (2006) Flash anti-gaming experience (Click image to play)
Welcome to the small and hairy world!! You can travel on a cat's skin as your friend, Mr. Flea and endlessly play unless you get exterminated or finally satisfy/get bored.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Data Visualization

Visualized info from database on the network can be artwork.
Often created by a combination of
Flash + PHP + MySQL

interactive architecture
information aesthetics

An interesting project using Data Visualization....

Life Support Systems - Vanda (2004) by Mateusz Herczka

Life Support Systems - Vanda is an attempt to analyze electrical signals
from the vanda hybrida orchid, and apply language modeling techniques
to these signals in a computer. The result is a virtual model, which
continues to generate similar signals long after the original orchids are
gone - a kind of computerized longevity. Vandas language and behaviour
model is stored in a hacked Microsoft Xbox, its future container. It can be
accessed at any time, should one want to experience the essence of Vanda
again. The work is installed as a kind of laboratorium with life support
facilities for the orchids, a computer visualization of the language model,
the Xbox, and the generated signals presented as sound. Besides turning a
scientific experiment into an aesthetic construct, the work
tangents questions of consciousness, longevity, and new lifeforms through


Monday, January 14, 2008

1st thing

Welcome to my stockpiling digital hypermedia social reflexive web space (a.k.a. Blog)!!
This space will be my log of ideas, discoveries and MESS from my research and practices in media art.  

Posting might be very slow and highly random, but I will do my best on this!

